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For Two Young Girls

Their dad was taking them to Disney World
Because he loved them so much
And wanted to make them happy.
But when that morning arrived
And the plane was waiting for them at the airport
Their dad wasn’t able to join them
Because his earthly journey reached its conclusion.
Disney’s “happy ending” doesn’t extend
Beyond the stories they have created.
Death is sometimes shown in their movies
Like the burning forest in “Bambi”
Or Mufasa’s plunge into
A rampaging herd of wildebeests.
But that’s not always how it works.
The Beast doesn’t die,
But rather turns into a handsome prince.
Snow White lies in silent repose,
At least until a prince’s kiss
Magically brings her back to life.
4 and 5 year-old children
Believe this can happen
Because “real life” has not yet
Revealed a different outcome to them.
May the girls’ father watch over his daughters
And his memory help to guide them
Through the trying months and years
Still ahead in their future.

RIP to Mark Hernandez. You were taken from us much too soon.

Altre opere di R. Lincoln Harris...
