
Sworn Secrets

Sworn Secrets

Like wild animals, they encircle their cages looking for an opening to run free again.  In their dreams, they are roaming through the forests and plains, but their spirits are still imprisoned in their cages.  They still long for their freedom, and each minute of their confinement wears upon their hopes.
Like caged animals, a secret looks for a way to escape, and depending upon how trustworthy the recipient of that trust is, depends upon his willingness to keep it.  To share a secret is to solidify the pact of friendship and to keep the secret is to honor that pact.  Even if that friend becomes estranged, if he remains honorable, the secret is safe.
Finding a friend, a confident, is like finding a diamond in the rough.  Becoming a fool is like letting the rough find you.  In time, you will become the victim of its deception, its weakened desire or ability to keep your secret safe.
The other day, I told someone something never to be revealed again to anyone.  Yesterday a stranger, not knowing who I was, told me the same secret.
Unto the wise, secrets remain secure.  Unto fools, secrets become the source of gossip.

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