
Politics and Lies

Politics and Lies
The days of gold rush, rich and glory are over,
Our living standard is falling and morale is lower.
Our fate lies in the hand of corporate thieves wearing suits and ties,
These robbers, disguised as politicians, are full of blatant lies.
Concealing their real motives, this avaricious bunch is full of moles,
Morally corrupt and ethically wrong, they have sold their souls.
Most of us are sweating blood to make an earning,
Wages are decreasing and the price of food is soaring.
They do not care and suck blood like big fat mosquitoes,
Lies, lies, lies… written all over, from their heads to toes.
Living a lavishing lifestyle at the cost of our hard earned income,
It is appalling to see how so weak and helpless we have become.
Once a lucky country, it has fallen on its knees,
Parents are working day and night, to pay their children’s school fees.
These corrupt politicians should be punished, named and shamed,
This madness has to be stopped and the mad wild horse must be tamed.


This poem reflects on our current economical and political situation. I am sure a lot of people are going to relate to this poem, as I do.

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