
Iranian Monster

The word Iran in Persian translates to “land of the Aryans”,
Dating back to prehistoric Indo-Europeans,
The capital and largest city of Iran is Tehran,
It’s beautiful but detrimental to a human being.
Pollution everywhere; it’s nothing less than catastrophic,
Execution in the air and nobody can stop it,
Industrial chemicals and gasoline production,
Some people hallucinate due to toxic consumption.
For the sake of health it’s not the nicest place to live,
But going for a holiday it has so much to give,
Settlements date back over a hundred thousand years,
Ancient myths and legends are like music to your ears.
One day you go to visit as the history is vibrant,
After several days you find your mind out of alignment,
The air is very still in this Iranian confinement,
Then all of a sudden you hear something break the silence.
A rumble is heard just beyond the horizon,
The thunder you hear after you see the lightning,
Yet skies appear blue, so this is surprising,
Invisible thunder is seemingly frightening.
Your eardrums shake, your body’s vibrating,
The road starts to quake and so you start debating,
Is it time to run? A natural disaster?
You turned and you spun with your heart beating faster.
You start to retreat; you look over your shoulder,
The rumbling’s greater and starts to sound bolder.
There’s not yet an image, just reverberation,
You still want to run but you’re stuck in fixation,
What and from where comes this noise infiltration?
Your body won’t move like you’re under sedation.
Beyond the horizon and over the hill,
The rumbling monster moves in for the kill,
The source remains out of your vision until,
An army of Harleys appear on the hill.

At work I was asked to write a poem about Iran and somehow linking it to Harley Davidsons. So this is what I came up with.

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