
A lesson to us

We enjoyed being at the beach having fun,
We enjoyed basking in the sun,
We enjoyed eating dinky doughnuts,
And feeling the sea breeze blow over us,
We enjoyed walking on the pier,
Taking selfies and capturing random moments,
We enjoyed hanging out with our mates,
We enjoyed driving around whilst playing our favourite songs,
We knew what weekends meant,
Partying and time out,
We enjoyed the outdoors,
The restaurants,
The junk food,
Until an invisible virus came to town,
Next thing we’re living under conditions of a lockdown,
Where life as we knew it had to change,
Suddenly now our lives had to be rearranged,
Where junk food was on hold and home cooked meals never tasted so good,
Where being home was more important than taking chances of getting a virus that has no cure yet,
Where being apart from loved ones yet having togetherness has been so important,
Where seeing who genuinely cares,
And who checks on you due to boredom,
Where your life is guarded and so is your freedom,
Where self care and self love has become so much more important,
Where life as we knew if will never be the same again,
Things have been learned,
Lessons gained,
Fakes removed,
Focus changed,
This virus cannot differentiate between the rich and the poor,
Between the good and the bad,
It’s taken away people’s pride and ego,
It’s made many forgive and forget rather than to live with regret,
It’s invisible yet so powerful,
It had to take a virus of such to change  us,
To appreciate life and each other,
To learn to live apart yet remain together.

Covid - 19

- We all should have learned valuable lessons from this invisible virus.

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