
That Girl

So I’ve become that girl
with her headphones in her ears
music blasting
the only sound she hears
drowning out the world
her thoughts she wants to silence
barely able to conceal her hurt
she conveys a false pretense
may I be so bold
to say she cant let go
cannot break the old time’s hold
wound too tight around her heart
no matter how hard she tries
to forget it all at once
she still remembers those butterflies
with their electric touch
undeniably, that is me
I try with all my might
to banish memories of that distant world
that provoke my tears by night
I try to escape the old
and enter a new, different place
try on a new pair of shoes
imagine myself as someone else
slipping into another life I’d choose
to distance myself from the pain
to run and keep on running
to never let the tear drops rain
Other works by Zoe Turner...
