
“Her Enchanting Eyes”

On a random evening, just as dusk was about to set in,
While I was lying on her thighs, her soft and kind voice
Whispered with a sigh and besought me to tell her
The most pristine thing I ever laid my eyes.
And the answer laid apparent in my heart, so I uttered,
“It’s you,” with all the affection in my heart.
And although she smiled, a part of me realized
She deserved more than this for all the love she bestowed on me throughout our time.
So, I sat down on my veranda under the glaring moonlight,
For an entire night, my mind raced as my heartbeats swayed,
As I contemplated what I will say in the morning,
As the first thing when you awake.
And as my eyes spotted a glimmering star in the sky,
It came to me in the back of my mind,
What I’ll say to make you smile.
“It’s your enchanting dark brown eyes,” the most intense pristine sight
I ever laid my eyes on.
And the way you gaze at me with your eyes,
I sense a prickle going right through my heart.
At a single sight of your eyes, I feel sunlight transcending into my mind,
Thrusting away all the mundane and overcast skies right off from my mind.
And what a mystery are your eyes, as it engulfs me
With hue and shade on my unquenching burning days.
And I hear symphonies coming through your eyes,
Like Beethoven still resides right within your eyes.
And the incantation of your eyes as I am exiled
Right into mountains and hillsides,
Gazing right into the ravines and the horizon
As the dawn sets to shine.
For why would I then smile, as if I gazed at the most pristine sight,
The most pristine sight.

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