
I love

You say I’m annoying when I’m over tired
But I love the way I ramble on about nothing
I love how I laugh with no reason
I love that my sleepy brain is incapable of being serious
You say sometimes I love too much
Because sometimes I tell you all of the things that I love
But I can’t help it
I love  the  way  that forgiveness sounds   so  simple
I love how dandelions grow all over my yard in the spring making the lawn look more yellow than green
I love that a rose can represent both strength and beauty
I love eating an entire large pizza by myself
I love sitting on the sidewalk during a downpour
I love Mac and cheese,  chili cheese dogs, cheeseburgers
and I love things that are unhealthy in the long run but heavenly in the moment
I love worms.  They’re creepy and slimy
I like frogs, snakes, caterpillars and creepy crawlies
I love bugs! .. Unless they touch me because then I can never unfeel their little legs dancing across the skin
I love that my God created ME with the ability to love  so  vastly
I love strangers because I know in a past life we all knew each other at some point
I love a little danger
I love the way some of your words hit me like arrows and they become lodged in the cavity of my chest
and blood soaks the sheets with pure emotions
I love something’s that are a little poisonous to myself
I love how I can hold your heart in my hand
I love that you don’t slip through my fingers like sand
I love that I cried and you didn’t run away
I love how you say we’ll get married someday
I love the way that your eyes look like the ocean after a storm
I love the way that the God Apolo must have hidden pieces of the sun in your eyes because they sparkle with that much intensity
I love the idea of love
I love things that have the powere heal and destroy me
I love you.

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