
The Lesson

I went up to the fort by Aravalli Hills
The one with views of scenic art posterity
From end to end to fill a photographer’s thrills
In shooting time trapped in grandeur of the pink city
I made my merry way once past the ticket gate
And stayed on the right to walk the less trodden path
In measured gait to admire the view breath abate
But came upon a house ruined by nature’s wrath
That it was an old house was what first came to mind
Though the windowless walls suggested otherwise
The faded paint, the cracked tiles, an abandoned find
Yet the old clothes hanging yelled it’s a home in guise
Sure enough, a young boy came out the hole to play
He saw me, a stranger with camera in hand
So he called for his friends, and then at me, “Wait. Stay.”
And said, “One Photo, please,” gesturing at his band
His mischievous smile was captivating enough
I couldn’t be but charmed, so I smiled back, said, “sure.”
Amazed at such joy amid life clearly so rough
And laughter that resounded in the air so pure
He and his friends squeezed onto a mount all in fun
As I clicked their smiles into my digital card
Their playful eyes twinkled with the reflected sun
The happiness in them their own inner reward
Once I stopped clicking they all rushed toward me
Each more eager than the next to view his own face
In all their innocence that let happiness be
With nary a lifelong poverty’s hardship trace
The young boy then surprised me with, “Put on Facebook?”
I jokingly replied I’ll send it to his account
“No computer, no money, cannot take a look”
He said, still smilingly as his climbed up the mount
“But it’s okay. I have the view of the city.”
With outstretched arms, he embraced the cool passing breeze
His exuberant pose suggested no pity
Instead, inspired, I clicked it to digital freeze
I walked away with a smile for the lesson learned
A bonus for a short journey meant for the sights
Instead, it was the heart that has its reward earned
In finding a new way to look at one’s own blights
Other works by Jeffrey U. Kho...
