
I'm a fool

I just walk away
Saying “whatever”
Not really understanding
what I have done to another heart
That only has beat a thousand times
per minute
I am the disease thats streaming through their blood
leaving me looking so vain
So out of touch
Out of mind
ripping the strings that once were attached to one mans heart
had clicked
had sparked a light
I got it
I’m the problem
I’m the reason for you leaving
my jealousy has blinded me
I have become the devils daughter
I have become heartless
Every word you made
was wrong
No I was wrong
For you to ever forgive me
Would be trying to put rain drops back into the cloud
That would be impossible
All apologies I have cried out to you
Will do both of us no good
I could be on my knees begging for
A second chance
Would be such a laugh
For I am only but a fool to ever ask
Can you give me another chance?

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