
May I Ask You Something?

May I ask you something?
If no, please, don’t read on
But if yes
Stay a while!
For I’m going to ask a lot of things
Do you care for me?
You show and tell me
But I just can’t believe it
Maybe it’s because my heart has been hurt to many times
So I’m afraid to be cared for
Do you accept me?
All the people who said they did
Only lied to my face
They took me in just to push me out
And hurt me even more
Then I am
Will you stay with me?
I’ve done a lot of stupid things
In fact I still do them
But all the other people left me
So now, I’m all alone
If you’re willing to stay
Then I won’t be any more
Will you?
“No extra questions! Keep going!”
Can you stand to look at me?
“Not part of the script! Security!”
I’ve done so many things
I’ve hurt so many people
I just can’t live with myself
If you can bare to look at me
Do it
I warn you though
The next few seconds won’t be pretty
"Call 911! Call the damn police!"
“Get her! Stop her!”

Hey guys...I won't be on a lot since of school but I'll try my hardest! I'm sorry if this poem has large spaces I used my phone and the spaces seem huge on this sui I apologize ;) have a good day everyone!!!

Other works by Kay...
