Caricamento in corso...


Let me be

I woke up today
Just like any other day
I wish to walk in the streets
Without anyone’s mistreat
But it’s impossible it is
They mistreat me because of their jealous
Is it wrong to own a paradise?
To walk in a Mercedes
To dress in silk
Really, is it?
You think all I do is steal
Can’t you stay still?
Look at the things I have done
The Kunja dam, the rubbish cans
Aren’t you thankful?
Your empty stores
You just want me to fill more
You are greedy
You are indolent
You just depend on me
Today you’ll see this mistake
Tomorrow another you’ll perceive
You ungrateful brats
All you cry is “our M.P”, “our M.P”
Yes, I know am the M.P
What more do you want?
Do you want me, your kitchens to fill?
Your empty kitchens
Kitchens full of cockroaches
Yes! you never work
Rise and work
You’ll judge me later
For now let me be
Let me enjoy
The fruits of my labor

Altre opere di Mary Wanjiku Wainaina...
