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The Sweet Times

I remember those days
The great beautiful days
When a smile lit up my face
Everything was fine
Mummy would drop me to school
To my teachers  I would listen
Exams I would greatly pass
Presents I would be showered with
Daddy our storyteller
Mummy the cook
I,  the television holic
Little ben the trouble maker
Until that day
When  daddy never came back
Out of the house we were thrown
My aunts and uncles became our heirs
In a humble hut we lived
Difficulties we faced
Tears of joyous misery we shed
Up side down,  things turned
Days later
Mummy followed daddy
Six feet under she was buried
No one to save her
My little brother I had to take care of
Yet I had nothing
In the streets
We had to live
The way of my parents,  my sibling followed
The cold he could not bear
Without food,  to survive he failed
All alone I had to stand
Now I have a new home
A windy home
A cold pillow I lay my head on
Exposed to all elements of weather
The street is my new home
Sweet times, I have to recall
As I watch my agemates
Enjoy times with their parents
If I could
I would turn back the clock
Yes, I would have
So I could have those good times again

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