Caricamento in corso...


My Song

My skin is coal and dark
My sister’s is chocolate
A dark brown skin girl she is
And hers as snow it is
My hair thick and kinky it is
My sister’s hair dark and a lot
From the world it hides her face
But hers, hers is blonde and silky
I carry a natural silicon filled like behind
My sister’s front is full and heavy
She is too thick, oh wait, a pig she is
Yet the other is a model size girl
The comments I get everyday
For a brown skin, too pretty you are
For a black thick hair, beautiful your hair is
For a girl your color, too bold you are
With every sunrise and sunset
At my reflection I stare
Do I have to try so hard?
Do I have to feel so ugly?
Never was it my choice
In a black land to be birthed
A brown skinned girl to be
And neither can I change
Never do I have to try so hard
Never should my sister have to cry
With lighter foundation or ‘bleach’
Does she ever have to cover her skin in?
I am beautiful just as I am
She is pretty and attractive
Together or thick dark wings
To the ends of the earth, our wings we shall spread
Never will I break again
Let him think as he pleases
I have my sister, every day I see her
She loves me, I love her too
I am from a black source
A beautiful tree standing tall I am
Fruits of greatness I bear
Greener I become with each day

You are beautiful

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