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My Childhood Friend

He was my childhood friend
A young good looking and cute lad,
With childhood love, we spent our time
All sort of games we played
Even 'cha baba na mama’.
After sitting for our Primary Certificate Exams,
Ways we parted,
He went to high school,  far down the hills
While down to the coast I went
But our love remained.
But when we met again,
My heart was pierced,
My heart throbbed with excruciating pain,
I knew I had lost a friend,
A friend I had loved and treasured.
To drugs he had been addicted,
Khat,  Bhang, Cocaine, Shisha
All these,  in his new dictionary of life they were
They became part of him,
And part of them he became
My childhood friend,  a lover to drugs
An enemy to the people
A shadow of his former self he became,
An old wrinkled ugly face
ooh!  My dearest friend
Now he’s long gone
Six feet under he was put
Now, as usual everything runs
Aves sing their beautiful songs, and trees gracefully they sway
No one minds losing him anymore.
Life goes on,
Mourning was done when his last he breathed
That is the way he chose,
Even the stones and mountains knew that,
And they never felt sorry.

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