Caricamento in corso...

A New Year Ceremony

What to do when the new year comes,
Why don’t you open the door and fill up your lungs,
Amor breathe in the cold,
Now exhale,
Outside of your window,
the cold drops of December have dwindled,
It’s the scent at a fresh start at life,
So why are you hiding,
Did the words that were written sound a little surprising,
Embrace a new theme,
Is life not a dream
A ravishing story,
Trust me.. I promise I’m not out here for glory,
Build bridges that can move you to reach Gods highest steeple,
You shouldn’t ask “why me” out of all of the people,
Would you jump with me,
If I promised we’d make it to shore,
The wings of an angel can come back if they trust in the lord,
I know I’d could love and protect you like a father does for his daughter,
I would spend a lifetime studying your heart like a scholar,
Especially If it meant I could see you tomorrow,
Even if you say no,
I wouldn’t be angry I wouldn’t feel sorrow,
I’d write a thousand poems about how our love
Would inspire others to follow
If your reading this,
Don’t keep me waiting,
Because by spring the flowers will blosssom the heat will arrive,
I don’t want to wait for your hand to fit into mine
I can’t wait much longer but I will try my best to be patient
for  the sake of the good in someone amazing, here’s your space,
I’ll give you your room
I can only have faith that I will hear back from you soon
Your soon to be groom

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