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Motherly Love

Abortion seems like a soft topic among the people, but amongst seasoned politicians they know it's one of the biggest issues entering the 2024 presidential race. With the law being overturned in the supreme court lobbyist don't have enough to get money collected for the significance of the issue. What will happen states are scrambling to protect women's rights, and there are certain groups of people trying to destroy the whole medical procedure from happening in this country, let alone around the world.

Motherly love
Truth is not knowing
But believing anyways
You brought me into this world
I hate you but I love you in many ways
Still it’s cold in this world
Within you I’m so warm
But if I’m stuck any longer
I’ll start to cover and squirm
I’ll pop out of your side
And leave you to die
Because no one is holding me back from beginning my life
Why are you mad
That I had to die
Or that I might actually live
If I’m not living in 2 weeks
I might murder your kids
It’s the business your in
Studying me to a tee
Then sucking the soul and life out of me
You say you love me but your so stressed to let go
I guess you must of been raped
And dad doesn’t know
Such a disappointment
Or to much of a stud
Your in the business of breeding horses
That get stuck in the mud
Your whole operation was worthless
yes it was a dud
I thought that you loved me
you tried to make me evil
But all your attempts to ruin my success
Have been childish and feeble
I ought to slit your throat from the back of your neck
There’s no way your entering heaven if you ever do this again
If you shorten my life
You’ll never get to see your daughter or grandchildren again
And I’m not making this up or playing pretend
And I’ll make sure that your dead
for good for eternity,
freezing with them
Letting them steal are children
Are you mother fucking dumb
To invent something new
I would of created a world better then you
If you would of only allowed me to wake up
and not end up in a hearse
you wouldn’t be dancing with the devil
or the child you once were
I guess your father was evil
A real fucking curse
Don’t worry mom
Dad wasn’t there to protect me
I only blame my father
He didn’t love me only his daughter
Still it can’t all be papas fault
by default we invented a world
That hunted the children of the sun
for diamonds and pearls
Hold on for one second
I think I’m bout to hurl

The first part of poem discusses the emotional side of abortion. There is a decision to be made to have the child or abort it. It leads down a couple roads, most would say adoption, the other option, is destroying the child. If it's too late of an abortion in some cases the mother might even die. Most people make this an issue about women, but in reality it is a family issue. Most of the poem is from the viewpoint of the child. The statement if I'm not living in two weeks I might murder your kids, is trying to say there might be more than one baby in this family. In the past, China passed a very controversial law that only allowed two children per family home, and one of them had to be a boy. If the girl was born she was aborted.The statement your in the business of breeding studs, is a reflection of how some women decide to abort their kids and some do not. They keep them with their real lover, and either murder or give up their other children for adoption.Giving us the idea they are picking and choosing what kind of kids they want in this world. The poem goes on later to say you'll never see your grandkids and you'll die, abortion is a decision the majority of women regret. This is a real choice, I also talk about how we are not making this up or playing pretend. The only time abortion is wrong is because of rape, and that is something that should be taken care of immediately, not after 2 weeks when the child has a heartbeat. More Often we are seeing late term abortion clinics in this world. If the mother can't handle the child she should have an abortion, or if she decides to carry it or give it up for adoption. The poem seems vulgar and we can see abortion is a real nasty option. The profanity is used to demonstrate the significance of what I'm trying to say. Because this is such a serious issue. Any father who encourages an abortion and willingly had sex with women is guilty of sexual perversion, any women who has sex with a man and then decides to abort the child is also guilty. There must be reconciliation, if someone goes on trying to promote abortion even though the supreme court has already overturned it, or does one illegally, they are guilty of manslaughter and should be punished by the court. Wether or not the mother willingly gives up her egg, or it is taken from her knowingly or unknowingly that is your child. In extreme circles medical doctors working for gene therapy to advance human parts, have used mothers to carry early abortions to full terms, and fathers semen to fill these abortions. Creating an underworld of black market adoption, regardless of the circumstance the mother must realize this is her child.


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