

A pinkish hue covers the frame
Above the sanguine fire..
The tired clouds sing my name  
White birds are my attire...  
I come to you when you are
Exhausted of your power.  
I am the force that breathes life...  
At the end of the knife  
To relight the dawn of hope..
The moon peeps behind the greens
She often appears like me
The night sky will have us seen
Shining by the sea...
I will tell the tales of mine
To the beings who see me shine
Ignoring the lunar curtain’s smile..
My tales are older than the Nile...
Thy will say to thee
Saints abide on my wings of pearl
They who were “poor in heart”
Adorned with the innocent blush
Their nature moves the dart..
The dart bows before them
Defeated at their Blenheim..
And dazzling blessings pour down
Bringing mercy without a frown
Cleaning all blood stains...
I am the story that lies beneath
The blossoming of petals...
Half-opened buds are all my kith
Their voice louder to metals...
I exists in the sleep that cures
All the injury the body endures..
I am known to He who is up high
Who paints bliss across the sky
And spells out my name...


Autobiography of Peace.


Otras obras de Suvadeep Sarker...
