
On a new years eve~

And as I woke up, to the irking beeps of my missed alarms, with an aching pain slowly growing through my back into my arms, of a reverberating soreness which lures me into my blanket for couple more hours, everything seemed normal or to say usual until it dawned upon me it’s 31st of december, the last day of another year.

And as I made my way towards the window, an usual rite to get a glimmer of sunshine in my eyes, as if to cleanse off the soreness in my body, or my soul from the last night. Yet, This time I stood there surprised, it wasn’t a usual sight to see my window covered with dew, filled with droplets which marched slowly in unison down the window. Opening it up made things only worse or to say hazy, as an ocean of fog engulfed everything i usually saw first in the morning sunlight.

And i peeked up, as if to look at the sky, to see If i can sneak atleast a tiny look at the sunshine, yet nothing but blankness crossed into my eyes as if it’s all a dream and my frail mind couldn’t conjure up a orange-dawn laden sky.

Yet, it wasn’t a dream just a december morning, 31st december morning to be precise. And I pondered if this is how the new year is going to fly by? Like a blur, filled with uncertainty? I stood there thinking, not even twitching my eye lid as if the thought froze me and filled my lungs with fright.

Though I soon saw, a flock of geese flying high. Piercing through the fog, like a ship through a thunderstorm. Maybe this is what lies in the new year i thought? a journey through the unknown? And as they fluttered their wings in a unison, a whisper ran across my ears, it sounded like Robert Frost, mumbling “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.”

And with this thought, as I gained my concious i soon saw a yellow smudge in a distance, obscured by the fog. Maybe it was just a street light, but all I saw was a smudge from my still sleepy eyes and in a Epiphany i was drawn towards the yellow smudge, like a wasp towards the wildflower.

Maybe this is it, all what I need. Just a destination where to be for this new year. And even though it’ll be filled with uncertainty, but atleast if I got lost I’d know where I wanted to be. Or atleast I’ll be somewhere, earlier obscured by uncertainty.

Other works by Chakshu Bisht...
