Caricamento in corso...

Don’t leave my shower running

Clean clothes and smell goods,
Can make a person look appealing,
nice haircut and hair done,
Can be pleasing to,
But if that person don’t wash their ass,
They are dirty deep down under everything we love to see,
How do you “Know” if a man is clean without being with him 24/7 of the day?
Lies of where he been,
Who he been with,
Conversing with,
Having intercourse with,
Telling you he loves you,
But deep down he just turned the shower on and let it run without getting in,
I found myself being that water left running in the shower,
Waiting for him to come in to love me,
Throwing my needs and wants down the drain,
I still muster up courage to release more of me to that dirty man,
Then after he is done pretending to love me,
He turns the water off until he is ready again,
One day he is going to try an turn me on and I won’t be there to give him a chance to be clean,
I won’t be there to entertain him when he is lonely,
He is going to miss me when another man steps into the water and cherish being clean,
I can’t wait till that day I can say I’m happy now being without him,
Until then I guess I’m going to keep being left running.

Altre opere di Hinif Hall...
