Caricamento in corso...


I couldn’t turn my back on him,
He was so innocent and fragile,
Fighting for his life,
I tried everything I could do to save him,
In a days time I fell in love quicker than I’ve ever before,
This Maltese Chihuahua touched my heart,
Tan and white,
Just like the puppy emoji,
I never felt such a connection before,
To somebody other than a human being,
I tried getting him help,
Because it was a holiday,
All the local vets was closed,
So all I could do was make him comfortable,
I held him through his pain,
I wanted him to know that he was not alone,
Wanted him to feel my heartbeat for him,
I yearned for him for so long,
That once I finally got him,
Nothing else mattered to me,
&& he passed away in my arms,
Where I wanted him to be,
My first puppy I had to lay to rest,
I was determined to do everything I could for him,
&& what hurt me the most is the boy I was talking to,
Told me to throw him down an incinerator,
Couldn’t believe he would say that,
Showed me the type of person he is,
He displayed no compassion over life,
I feel differently about him,
Thinking that he would fight for the dog like me,
Because he gifted me with him,
Placed in my life a sick dog,
He was heartless,
Animals are just like us,
People can be so cruel to life,
&& from this day forward I feel a need to save animals,
They have a purpose just like humans.

Altre opere di Hinif Hall...
