Caricamento in corso...

I call him fox

There was a fox in my yard the other night,
He spoke to me and said get up,
He said get up and then disappeared,
I woke up to my surprise a man was standing over me,
Saying get up,
I didn’t know the stranger leaning over my bed,
It was dark in the room,
He was dark his damn self,
So I couldn’t make out who he could be,
With a knife against my face he proceeded to take my clothes off,
As I tried to scream,
My mouth was quickly sealed,
As I came to,
I knew what was about to happen,
But if he didn’t have that knife,
I would’ve fought for my purity,
If that fox wouldn’t have told me to get up,
Maybe he would’ve left my yard,
If it wasn’t my yard he trespassed on,
It would’ve been somebody else’s,
Come to,
He probably invaded a lot of others,
When it was all over,
I didn’t tell anybody,
Cause nobody would believe I was raped by a fox,
Do you?

Altre opere di Hinif Hall...
