Caricamento in corso...

Pot of gold

the colors of the rainbow can be decieving,
its bright and beautiful,
but living the life of the rainbow is hard,
you dont choose to live the life,
it chooses you,
you dont ask for it,
its something that you cant controll,
nor fight,
i live the life of the rainbow,
not by will,
but because it choosed me,
i would love to walk down a 180 road,
but somewhere along the way my hands will become bent,
and my legs will begin to switch,
my quick language rowdiness will come out,
and my shorts will raise above my knee,
i dont ask for it,
but thats just the way I am,
i dont live the life of the regular rainbow either,
my colors arent as bright,
the love i put inside of somebody,
took away my colors,
made them dark,
turned it to rain without the sunshine at the end,
he turned my life around,
and made this rainbow not seem so pleasant,
he took away my confidence,
and pleasured my insecurities,
how does a rainbow hurt another rainbow,
i gave him all of me,
thats the only way i thought it would work,
the only way i thought would lead to a happy ending,
but i was wrong,
my colors of the rainbow wasnt enough for him,
but i tried,
i tried and it made me miserable,
all i can stand for is the rain,
until this ray of sun beamed down,
it gave me the energy to get back up,
it heated me up,
made me hot and warm like i like,
it gave me a different persepctive of the rainbow,
as i keep on this journey,
im realizing that it may not be that bad after all,
and maybe at the end i would finally get my pot of gold;

Altre opere di Hinif Hall...
