Caricamento in corso...

When she comes

I want a baby,
Just having somebody that I know is mines,
That I know will always be mines,
To share my DNA,
Look to me as a role model,
A protector,
A father,
But I’m a man that loves other men,
I never had intercourse with a woman,
To me women are the most appealing in the world,
A woman’s beauty to me outshines any man,
I just don’t understand why I’m not sexually attracted to them,
So does that mean I would never be a father,
I’m all for adoption and surrogates,
But that takes the beauty out of the natural way,
We are created to reproduce,
Sex is meant for reproduction,
If we are all made in Gods image,
Where does gay people fit into his image,
We had to be created someway,
If our parents are straight,
&& we have their DNA running through us,
How are we born to love the opposite sex,
And how do homosexuals breed straight offsprings,
So that raises the question in my head,
Are we really born gay,
Will I ever be able to have a child naturally,
Putting my penis inside of a vagina is something I never did,
But right now I’m having certain urges,
Wondering if in that moment would I still have those same urges,
Would a straight woman mind opening her legs to a penis that only entered the opposite sex before,
It’s easy to find a girl to do that,
But a Woman it’s a difference,
I want the mother of my child to be a woman that I romantically love,
I don’t want us to just do it for a result,
Then that goes back to sex is honestly for reproduction,
So why should I have to be romantically involved with her,
I’m a gay man who wants to have a baby with a straight woman naturally,
I can say that whoever you are,
I will make sure that you know everyday you are beautiful,
You are loved,
That I will be the best man to you,
I will be your protector,
Your confidant,
Wouldn’t have to worry about anything my super woman,
And when you have my child,
You will forever be my family,
Don’t judge me by my lifestyle,
Cause that will never effect us,
Can’t wait to meet you.

Altre opere di Hinif Hall...
