
Fuck You Technology!

Fuck you technology!
I say with no apology.
There is no terminology
To explain your psychology.
You think you’re taking over?
You’d better think again.
You won’t manipulate me
And you won’t infect my brain.
You do as directed,
I can be sporadic.
You run on a program
Whereas I can be nomadic.
I’m using the word can
Because it represents free will,
Something you will never have
And you will never feel.
We heavily rely on you for many different tasks,
And you do as you’re told because nobody ever asks.
We use you to our own advantage,
That’s the reason for your existence.
If you had your own free will
Then we would witness a resistance.
There is no terminology to explain your psychology,
Because it’s non-existent, so fuck you technology!


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